Renovating your home is an exciting adventure! With careful planning and a positive attitude, you can transform your space into a dream haven. Here’s a friendly guide with tips from Stephen, your hometown builder, to help you start your renovation journey.

Step 1: Vision and Inspiration

Firstly, dream big! Browse through home improvement magazines, Pinterest, and Instagram for inspiration. Keep a scrapbook or a digital folder of ideas. Think about your needs and how you want your space to feel – cozy, modern, rustic? I’ve seen our New Home Specialist help buyers achieve their design goals in our Design Center.

Step 2: Budget Planning

Create a realistic budget. List your essentials and nice-to-haves. Factor in unexpected costs – adding 10-20% extra is a good rule of thumb. Research and get quotes from contractors to compare prices. NOTE: Be sure to ask for their license and insurance. View Coastal Contracting’s license here.


Step 3: Professional Help vs. DIY

Decide if you need a contractor or if you can tackle some tasks yourself. It’s best to hire a professional for significant structural changes or plumbing. For painting or simple installations, DIY can be fun and cost-saving.

Step 4: Permits and Regulations

Check local building codes and obtain necessary permits. This step ensures safety and can prevent future legal headaches. Your contractor can help with this if you hire one.

Step 5: Timeline Creation

Setting a timeline keeps the project on track. Consider the time needed for each phase – design, purchasing materials, construction, and finishing touches. Be realistic and expect some delays.

Step 6: Decluttering and Packing

Before the renovation starts, declutter. Donate, sell, or recycle items you no longer need. Pack away your belongings to protect them from dust and damage. Label boxes for easy unpacking later.

Step 7: Staying Safe and Comfortable

Seal off the renovation area to ensure safety, especially if you live in the same house during the project. Create a temporary living space to stay comfortable in another part of your home.

Step 8: Shopping for Materials

Choose quality materials within your budget. Visit showrooms, check online reviews, and don’t shy away from asking for samples. Make decisions on flooring, tiles, paint and fixtures ahead of time to avoid delays. Need help with the design selections? Our experienced new home designer offers independent design services with selections from our showroom.

Step 9: Keeping Communication Open

Regularly communicate with your contractor and workers. Schedule frequent check-ins to discuss progress, address concerns, and make decisions. Clear communication avoids misunderstandings and keeps the project running smoothly.

Step 10: Celebrate Small Wins

Renovation can be stressful, so celebrate small achievements. Have you completed a room? Ordered all materials? Give yourself a pat on the back and maybe a small treat.

Step 11: Final Touches and Cleanup

Once the major work is done, focus on the final details. Clean the space thoroughly or hire a professional cleaning service. Arrange your furniture, add decor, and enjoy your newly renovated space!

Step 12: Enjoy Your New Space

Take time to sit back and enjoy your hard work. Host a small gathering to show off your revamped home, or simply enjoy a cozy evening with your loved ones. Renovating your home is a blend of creativity, planning, and patience. By following these friendly steps, you’ll navigate the process smoothly and end up with a space that’s truly your own.

For help with large-scale renovations, contact Coastal Contracting. Let’s turn your dream home into a reality. Happy renovating!