Wallpaper has been a choice in design for centuries, adding charm, character and style to homes everywhere. Whether it’s designs or the latest trends, wallpaper provides opportunities to enhance any space. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of wallpaper and its evolution in design and offer some helpful tips for selecting the ideal wallpaper for your home.

A Quick Look at Wallpapers History

Did you know that wallpaper traces its origins back to China? They used hand-painted rice paper to embellish their walls. Moving ahead to the century wallpaper became a sensation in Europe gracing the walls of residences with intricate patterns and vibrant hues. The Industrial Revolution made wallpaper more accessible leading to a surge in styles and patterns that appealed to all.

Progression of Wallpaper Designs

Wallpaper has undergone transformations over time! It has evolved with changing preferences and fashions, transitioning from designs to striking geometric patterns. With advancements in technology today, modern wallpapers offer textures, finishes and customizable options that make them an excellent choice for any room in your home.

Selecting the Ideal Wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper, consider the following:

  • Room Size: Light colors and subtle patterns can create a sense of spaciousness in rooms, while bold designs can make a statement in spaces.
  • Personal Style: Whether you prefer sophistication, modern simplicity or eclectic charm, there’s a wallpaper to suit your taste.
  • Durability: Think about the wallpaper’s durability for high-traffic areas, like hallways and kitchens.
  • Color Scheme: Choose wallpaper that complements your existing decor.
  • Accent Walls: Transform a room by highlighting a wall with wallpaper to add depth and visual interest without overwhelming the space.

Explore these trending wallpaper styles for inspiration:

  • Botanical Prints: Embrace nature indoors with foliage-inspired wallpapers.
  • Geometric Designs: Infuse a touch with geometric patterns.
  • Textured Finishes: Elevate your walls with textured finishes like grasscloth or embossed patterns for added depth.
  • Metallic Accents: Introduce an element of luxury with wallpapers in gold, silver or copper tones.

Proper installation is key to achieving the look of your chosen wallpaper. Consider hiring a professional for patterns or large areas. To maintain the freshness of your wallpaper, avoid exposing it to humidity and direct sunlight. When cleaning, use a cloth or duster gently as needed.


Wallpaper is a design element that can transform the ambiance of any room by adding character and flair. Whether your taste leans towards aesthetics or modern styles, there exists a wallpaper that perfectly suits your preferences. By considering factors like room dimensions, design preferences and durability, you’ll discover the wallpaper that will enhance your home decor. Embrace the charm of wallpaper with Coastal Contracting. Our wallpaper specialist will help your walls narrate tales of sophistication and imagination in your new custom home in Gulfport or any other wonderful coastal towns in Mississippi.